Tak mi bylo pětapadesát ... Tento slavnostní čas jsem příjemně a uvolněně strávil pohromadě se svými blízkými Chotěbořskými v salonku restaurace Vysočina. Ano, bylo to pěkné mít je všechny okolo sebe ... a zapomenout, že mi je zase o rok víc ...
Ahoj !
Míra ... a Hana & rodina

   We gave a family party to celebrate my Double Five. We spent nice and casual hours together in one of Chotebor restaurants enjoying our common company. Yes, it was great to have all my close people around ... to manage that knowledge I am again one year older ... 

Bye, bye !
Mirek ... and Hana &

Chotěboř, 31.října 2009
Chotebor, October 31st

   We can only dream about summer or autumn ... winter has come to Chotebor. Last week we were getting temperatures that reached an all time high and today ... 10 inches of snow (at minimum). We even haven't managed to cut and cover our roses ... And trees haven't managed to fell down their leaves even made them colored. Unusually. We fell from pleasant warm fall into cold and snowy winter ... You can look at it.

Bye, bye !
Mirek & Hana

Chotebor, October 15th

   Here you can see a picture pantomime from our visit to the castle of Bouzov. Enjoy and look forward ...
Bye, bye !
Mirek & Hana

Bouzov, September 19th

   Renato a Honzo, kamarádi !
Chceme Vám moc a moc poděkovat za tu báječně pohodovou narozeninovou párty. Opravdu jsme si to užili. Dík ovšem taky patří kompletně všem zúčastněným. Byli jste skvělí ! (My taky.) Takhle vypadá šťastně strávený čas s blízkými lidičkami. Myslím, že to je takové kamarádské perpetum mobile. Všichni předávají energii všem a výsledkem je, že nikomu nechybí, ale přebývá ... 
Tak zase někdy příště.
Ahoj !
Míra a Hana

   We had another exciting weekend over here. The two of our friends, Renata and Honza, celebrated their Big Five and we were invited to help them to drink and eat all goodies at their birthday party ... and also to make a good mood with singing and playing instruments. So we did it and we all have a good time there. It took place in a restaurant in Litice nearby Zachlumi (you know that village, Susie, so you could recognize also George and Nada Krens among others) about 60 miles from Chotebor.
Yes, we enjoyed it our best. We were party animals after a lapse of time again ...

Bye, bye !
Mirek & Hana

Litice, 4. září 2009
Litice, September 4th 2009


2010, 2008, 2007, 2006 - 3, 2, 1, 2005 - 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1



